Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Feb 1st Snow Storm of 2011

Well living in the mid south you wouldn't think we get lots of snow but over the past few years we've been bombardied with a ice storm and some good snow fall. This latest massive snow storm that affected states from Texas through New England also got us in Arkansas. So as we go on to our 3rd snow day this week--not including the three others we had already within 3 weeks, I thought I would post some pictures of our adventures outside. They are not too exciting just a nice reminder on how kids view snow as a joy and blessing and we adults just see the snow as not a blessing. I personally like the white stuff--until I have to drive on it. :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rescue of the Chilean Miners.

As I watch the rescue of the miners tonight with tears in my eyes I am amazed by the great efforts we will go through to rescue our fellow man. I am filled with joy to see how people can come together and work as one for a common goal. I am humbled to see others put aside their personal gains to get 30+ men to safety. How amazing is our love and compassion of our fellow man to help those we barely know. How amazing is God to give us those gifts.

There is hope for humanity and there is hope for us as a people, because of those who let God's love and light shine through no matter what the obstacles are put in their path. God will save us if we just Believe with our whole hearts, whole being, and our whole soul!

Let us go forth in life and reflect Gods light for all to see and restore our world to that which knows only of hope, peace, and love.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Remember What's Important

Tonight as I sat in my children's room waiting patiently for them to fall asleep and thinking of all the things I had to do before I can go to be, I began to cry. I have two beautiful children that God so graciously sent to me, a wonderful husband and the blessings of good friends and family. What more do we really need?

We forget what's important in life as we deal with the daily chores, task, and dilemmas of living on this planet. We forget what makes us get up each day: our passions, our loves, our dreams. We loose sight of the fact that we are alive and healthy and can get up each day, live and be with those we love and care about.

I look at my children and remember what it was like to be that age and be free from all the cares of the world. To see life as a grand adventure and not a sentence or another day to get through. I forget what its like to enjoy life and enjoy being alive, truly alive!

I hold my children tight and I thank GOD that he blessed me with them. I hold my children tight and remember that Life is so precious and Sacred. I hold my children tight and look up at the heavens and say Thank you God that I am able to enjoy them and be here with them.

Lord knows how hard it is to be a parent and especially in this day and age. But I know that my job as a parent is the most important job I have. Everything else needs to wait. The time we have with those we love is so fleeting. We tend to forget how quickly time flies. We blink and our children go from being cradled in our arms, to running through the house with toys and chasing the dogs, to asking for car keys so they can leave us to find their own paths in life.

So as life starts to collapse on you and you feel like you can't manage all the task and jobs you have to get done each day. Remember what's important: God, Family, and Love. God will take care of the rest.


Friday, January 29, 2010

More Curtains

Here is another view of the curtains. It currently snowing here so you may see that in the pics.

I have a few more projects I will add later today.
Have a great snow day!

Artsy Expressions

Well, due to weirdness, I couldn't add to my old blog so I am starting this one.
I am planning on posting my projects, ideas, and creative endeavors
I am involved in.

I did get a new sewing machine for Christmas so I've been busy sewing.
Here are some curtins I've made for the bay window in our bedroom.
I know they a bit short. But they work and do what I wanted them to do.

I'll add some more pics in a while.